nostalrius - search results

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Nostalrius admins take victory lap over World of Warcraft Classic

The driving forces behind Nostalrius, the famous World of Warcraft emulator that caused so much hubbub in 2016, are taking a victory lap this...
A wreck of our ambition

MMO Week in Review: Weekend surprises from Nostalrius and The Repopulation (January 15, 2017)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review! This...

Nostalrius has decided handing its WoW emu code to Elysium wasn’t such a good idea after all

So here's a twist in the Nostalrius saga that we didn't see coming: The group has changed its mind about supporting its code on...

Elysium opens up yet another Nostalrius server

The pro-vanilla World of Warcraft community is fond of flinging Blizzard's "you think you do, but you don't" around as a defense for the...

New Nostalrius PvP server goes live this weekend

Just when you thought you were going to get through the new year without a single mention of Nostalrius, January 2017 kicks you in...

The new Nostalrius emulator suffered six DDOS attacks on launch day

Apparently some folks are taking the relaunch of the Nostalrius servers very badly: Team Elysium, the group behind the newest World of Warcraft emulator,...

25000 people have signed up for the new Nostalrius server so far

According to a tweet by the original folks behind Nostalrius, the new version of the World of Warcraft classic emulator has already (or only,...

Elysium gears up for Nostalrius emu character transfers and relaunch

Back before BlizzCon, the admins of the sunsetted illegal World of Warcraft emulator Nostalrius issued a threat, demanding that the game studio create official vanilla...
It also featured fewer Dwarven Shaman, simply because the WIldhammer just did their own things.

Nostalrius is resurrecting next week. Your move, Blizzard.

After a yearlong saga that involved the shutdown of an illegal World of Warcraft emulator, fan outcry, Blizzard's high-profile meet-and-greet with the emulator's devs,...

Mark Kern renames Ember to Em-8ER, picks up Nostalrius programmer

Earlier this month, Mark Kern's "massive planetary wargame" shooter Ember got a new name and logo: Em-8ER. "While still pronounced 'Ember,' we changed the official...

Nostalrius releases WoW emu source code to community, Elysium plans Nostalrius shards

Back before BlizzCon, the admins of the now-sunsetted illegal World of Warcraft emulator Nostalrius issued a vague threat. "If Blizzard doesn’t make an announcement...

Nostalrius team releases vanilla World of Warcraft survey summary

The Nostalrius team's journey to Blizzard and back may be complete, but the details are still coming forth from the large player survey that...

Nostalrius team believes Blizzard ‘want[s] to have legacy WoW servers’

The World of Warcraft vanilla emulator team Nostalrius, which undertook a mission into the depths of Blizzard's HQ this past weekend, has returned and...

Mark Kern to deliver Nostalrius petition to Blizzard next week

The Nostalrius team isn't the only one heading to Irvine to meet with Blizzard: The ex-WoW, ex-Firefall developer Mark Kern says he's locked in...

Nostalrius heads to Blizzard in June

Blizzard's promise to meet with the team behind vanilla World of Warcraft emulator Nostalrius was more than just lip service; the amateur devs reported...

Nostalrius team surveys community about a World of Warcraft legacy ruleset

As we've been reporting, the team from the shuttered Nostalrius World of Warcraft emulator has been appointed as "ambassadors" of a sort to represent...
Was this the longest?

The Nostalrius team on hopes for a legacy World of Warcraft server

For those who can't get enough information about what led to the creation and maintenance of the Nostalrius World of Warcraft server, the site...

MMO Week in Review: Nostalrius as ‘ambassadors’ for the vanilla community (May 1, 2016)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review! This...

Nostalrius admins to meet with WoW execs

Earlier this week, Blizzard responded to calls for a vanilla World of Warcraft server by suggesting it wouldn't do a vanilla server but would...