Back in October, Funcom asked its bondholders to defer its debts another year, summoning those holders to a meeting to vote on a proposal that would “provide cash relief to Funcom N.V. in 2015 to allow for sufficient working capital.”
In light of that, these must be sweet words to read:
The bondholders’ meeting regarding convertible bond issue number ISIN NO 001 063043.7, summoned by Nordic Trustee ASA on behalf of Funcom N.V. was held today, 26 October 2015.
The meeting adopted all of the proposed resolutions.
In fact, it was unanimous.
There were sufficient Bondholders present at the meeting to form a quorum. The proposed resolution obtained 100% of the votes, and the proposal was adopted according to the voting requirements of the Bond Agreement. The Bond Agreement will therefore be changed as set out in the summons to the meeting.
Funcom lives another year.