We’ve gotten lots of good character creators in recent years. Sure, there are things I might not like about Black Desert‘s character options, but we’ve come a hell of a long way from the days of having two sliders and a color selection (Phantasy Star Online) or eight hairstyles and two color options (Final Fantasy XI). At this point, you have plenty of options to make the sort of character you want. I appreciate that. We also have plenty of options to make sure that you get to wear more or less what you want, or at least you get to choose between several costuming options.
Still, though, there are areas in which I don’t get a lot of control over my character. Emotes, for example, still tend to be standardized, as do combat animations. There aren’t many games that allow my characters to have piercings or tattoos, too. We’ve got lots of options for making characters, but that just makes the constraints we do have feel more omnipresent. So what about you, dear reader? Where do you want MMOs to offer more character customization options?