I’ve always had a hard time going to sleep at a reasonable hour. MMOs, though, have helped make that functionally impossible for me. It started when I was playing Final Fantasy XI on dial-up and could only play later in the day, at which point I decided that it made more sense to stay up late and be tired (or take a nap in the middle of the day) than to go to bed early and lose out on playtime. Then there was the period of my life when I was working second shift and had a World of Warcraft expansion to play with…
Long story short, my sleep schedule has always been bad, but MMOs have certainly made my sleeping habits worse. And I don’t think I’m entirely alone; I think all of us have bad habits that MMOs can exacerbate. Eating poorly or not enough, not getting enough sleep, getting too competitive, things like that. So what about you, dear readers? What’s your unhealthiest real-life habit brought on by MMOs?