With promises about future content and revamps plus the launch of Relics of Hiram finally out the door, Gamigo is finally turning its attention to compensate ArcheAge players for both the server evolution (merge) mess in Trion’s last days as well as for putting up with the delays and messes surrounding the changeover to the new studio.
In a post on the official site today, Gamigo outlines just what you’re getting. Those affected by the merges are entitled to several different gift packs including titles, wings, furniture, loyalty, crystals, elixirs, coins, stones, stipends, fireworks, and even a vocation stipend and vehicle voucher, depending on the level of their characters and land ownership at the time of the evolution.
Every single account, however, will see a gift pack with Hiram-themed weapons, armor, instruments, scrolls, infusions, and loyalty, plus a glider, tax certs, and the Midnight Kitsu pet.
It’s a sweet set of freebies, though I think ArcheAge players would forego them all for more specific assurance on the future outlook of their MMORPG.
Source: Official site