So here’s a fun new multiplayer toy that just landed on Kickstarter: It’s called Playcraft, and it’s being billed by Bebop Games’ creator Adrien “Zeroneus” Quay-Thevenon as a “multiplayer free-to-play game creation sandbox” – it’s sort of a cross between something like Roblox and Second Life, where people can build multiplayer games inside the game. It’ll be free-to-play with a non-pay-to-win cosmetics shop and a “pro pack” with all unlocks and future updates.
“While developing and modding games is awesome, we all know there’s a barrier for entry due to the complexity and technical knowledge required. With Playcraft I want to speed up the process and remove these technical barriers, making the joy of modding accessible for everyone and bound only by their creativity.”
Playcraft has 25 more days to make its modest $7,425 US ask; it’s already a third of the way there, no surprise since the game’s been in-dev for the last few years and has already been shown at local Montreal gaming events.