It’s time to Dance with the Devil and maybe get Psycho on some monsters during AdventureQuest 3D’s latest edition of the game’s award-winning series of Battle Concert events, which will feature the rock band Breaking Benjamin this time around.
As in other Battle Concerts in AQ3D, players will be able to take on monsters and a boss for all sorts of rewards, but this event will be different in that it introduces parkour, portals, and titan fights for what’s being promised to be “[the] darkest Battle Concert yet.” Basically, you’ll want to be careful not to be Torn in Two, at which point you face Failure and it’s Lights Out. Nobody wants to put that entry in the Diary of Jane.
The Breaking Benjamin Battle Concert will kick off on Tuesday, February 18th, for two weeks. You can get all of the information on the game’s site.
In other AQ3D news, the game is going to restructure its world story design with a menu item that provides a list of stories that will help move players towards the final confrontation with Vane. This doesn’t mean it’ll be a perfect breadcrumb trail, though, as the devs at Artix Entertainment are making sure there will be a variety of ways to get to these main story beats. That includes the creation of systems that scale adventure levels, XP, and loot rewards, which is currently on the PTR.