It will come as no surprise to anyone that Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft are both installed on my computer right now. It probably is also not a surprise that City of Heroes: Homecoming and Star Trek Online are installed. But they’re not alone, as it happens; both Anthem and Astellia Online are on my hard drive and up-to-date. And that’s actually a somewhat smaller list than I had before I swapped computers in summer of last year. There was some… debris on that system, let’s say.
Obviously, this isn’t the same as asking which MMOs you’re actively playing. Sometimes you have games installed you’re not really playing, just to jump in whenever you are more active (for example, I need to reinstall Final Fantasy XI on this machine). So what about you, dear readers? How many MMOs do you have installed right now? You could even let us know which ones they are, if you’re so inclined.