If anything, Lord of the Rings Online’s server issues worsened as this week progressed. The problems, which initially seemed isolated to a small handful of game worlds, started this past Wednesday. By yesterday, many servers were being taken offline due to “instability” and the forums were also down, leaving players frustrated and bored as they went into their weekend.
While the servers are up as of Saturday morning, players are still reporting numerous issues with terrible lag. At any rate, the organizers behind the immensely popular Weatherstock aren’t taking chances and have tentatively postponed the player concert series until next Saturday, July 25th.
ATTENTION WEATHERSTOCK XII BANDLEADERS, MUSICIANS, FANS, and STAFF: Due to the ongoing server issues in @LOTRO, Weatherstock XII has been postponed by one week to Saturday July 25, assuming the server issues are resolved and stable by then. Spread the word! #LOTRO #Weatherstock
— Ales and Tales (@alesandtales) July 18, 2020
Source: Official forums, Twitter