Lord of the Rings Online sees more login issues, gives update on race change tokens


With all of the issues causing game disruption over the past month, Lord of the Rings Online players are understandably sensitive toward any further problems. So it was with mild alarm that some players couldn’t actually log into the game last night. However, SSG said that this wasn’t a widespread issue and was the fault of an external network rather than the game’s own hardware.

“So far this appears to be an external network issue, as all of our monitors and reporting are not showing distress, the worlds are online, and at least some percentage of players seem to be able to log in without issue since the issue began around 6pm Eastern tonight. None of us here are having any problems either,” SSG said.

In other news, the highly anticipated race change tokens are still on the way, but the studio said that it’s held them back due to a small hiccup: “[Race change tokens] should be in one of our updates in the near future. We’ve found another issue besides a display issue with horses that has us doing additional work to correct. So, until it’s actually ready to ship so to speak it is hard to provide a specific ETA.”

Source: Twitter, LOTRO, #2
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