What better way to cheer for 2021’s arrival than by buying stuff? That’s sort of the whole gist of a marketplace update for ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained, which is offering a variety of shiny new cash shop items unique to each title to ring in the new year.
For ArcheAge players, there’s a Magithopter shaped like a bundle of presents available until December 29th, a Winter Maiden pack that features a variety of boosts and a 15-day Yaer Sleigh mount, an individually buyable permanent Yaer Sleigh, and a bundle of five Building Management titles that let players trade and modify buildings, land expansions, or full kit demolitions.
Over in Unchained, there are a number of New Year’s costumes, a festive Santa’s Gift Bed housing item, a pole dance emote, and a number of seasonal fireworks and boosts. In addition, there’s a bundle of three Bound Majestic Trees that can be purchased with Diligence Coins that, when planted, will yield extra Earthmana Leaves.