Sometimes all of us have more money in-game than out of the game. Sometimes you have friends where the only real personal connection is in your shared MMO. Sometimes you just have the ability to make something expensive and want to offer it to a friend. There are a lot of reasons why you could conceivably give an in-game item to someone as a gift.
What’s a little harder to potentially conceive of is a situation wherein it would be a valued and sweet gift, though. Like, in some games it might be really hard to sell “I made you a sword” as a nice present. Congratulations, you spent a trivial amount of gold on a weapon that I’ll replace in a few months! What a sweet gift, you really care.
But that’s not the case everywhere. Maybe it’s really expensive, maybe it’s hard to get, or maybe it has some long-term aesthetic benefit like unlocking a very rare appearance. So would you ever consider giving an in-game MMO gift to someone? Or does the idea sound silly?