Let me make sure that my meaning is perfectly clear here: I am not in any way calling upon you to defend your sartorial choices regarding your character outfits in this Daily Grind. That’s not the point here. It’s not a question about whether your character is sufficiently glamorous or not. Rather, it’s a question about whether your character has a distinct visual style of some kind, a look that defines certain things as being part of the aesthetic and some things as just wrong.
Maybe your character is always fully covered, maybe your character is always dressed a little sexy, maybe your character tends toward elegance and tailoring, and so on. But it’s still a question about whether or not you can look at a particular piece of kit and say “yes, that’s my style” or “no, that wouldn’t fit.” Do your MMO characters have a sense of style? Or do you just throw on whatever you feel looks good without any sort of consistent aesthetic concern?