Neverwinter brings back the Protector’s Jubilee to celebrate its ninth anniversary


Today is the day to celebrate nine years of Neverwinter with the return of the Protector’s Jubilee event, which is offering up new and returning activities and rewards for players to rake in because birthdays for MMOs always gift the players. That’s just how these things go.

In addition to returning events like the Protector’s Speech Skirmish, escort missions, and the delivery of Elminster’s Messages, there’s some new daily tasks for players to complete. As for rewards, this year brings new goodies like the Throne of the Entwined Scales, a giant robot full of “confetti and good spirit,” a Teensy Weensy Harper Agent pet, and some new vanity cosmetics. Players can also snag some login goodies for themselves, and go after a host of returning rewards from Jubilees past.

The entire event runs between now and Thursday, June 23rd, meaning players have a whole week of festivities to look forward to.

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