WRUP: Things I have thrown into your open windows edition

There's no relief.

A book. Your cat. My cat. A jar of mayonnaise. A beehive. A bee with hives. Fourteen muskrats. Fourteen angry muskrats. Five muskrats who are actually kind of sad and another group that are pretty happy overall but right now they’re sort of upset. I didn’t count that group. The police commissioner. A doll of Commissioner Godon. A large box I painted “conmisionter” on and then a little frowny face. A rocket launcher. A rocket lawn chair. A regular lawn chair. A chair made out of lawn. A lawn made out of chairs.

Evidence. Your mother. Grenades. Molotov cocktails. Tanks. Demo disks for World of Tanks. My list of ideas for What Are You Playing. I’m going to need that one back, actually. Give it back. What do you mean no? What was the thing that bothered you? Was it the book? Should I throw a different book? Let me know the preferred book to throw. It couldn’t have been the bees.

Bonus question: How did you feel the last time one of your birthdays passed what was to you a significant age threshold?

​Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): It’s gonna be a big Pokemon weekend. Pokemon Go has their yearly Community Day round-up and my lapsed players are coming out for the make-ups. I’ll also be reaping what I sowed in Pokemon Violet as I’m already noticing a lot of Sylveon players are playing it offensively instead of as support, which is super confusing (check our guide!). Hopefully the other stuff I sent out (and maybe others had too) will be of more value, but as usual, it seems people just DPS even when given a support “class.”

Andy McAdams: I’m having a ton of fun in World of Warcraft right now, so that will continue – though I am still having trouble picking a main in the game. I’m oscillating between Evoker and Monk. Open to opinions on the matter.

Nothing has felt super impactful for me. Maybe 40 will in a couple years? Though I will say that for my 29th birthday, my sister-in-law thought it would be funny to get me a Happy 30th birthday and that hit me in the feels in all the wrong ways.

Ben Griggs (@braxwolf): I’ve found some new joy in World of Warships by playing in divisions with my two oldest sons. I’ll try to make some time for that this weekend. Also, there are a ton of missions available right now from dockyard to seasonal bonus stuff.

My age thresholds don’t bother me nearly as much as my kids’. My daughter is a senior in high school this year and the realization that she will soon be off on her own comes with it’s own special kind of melancholy.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’m gonna be in Lord of the Rings Online this weekend. I’ve mostly cleaned up what I needed to do in Star Wars Galaxies Legends, so now I’m grinding for Christmas cosmetics. I might make it a crafting/harvesting weekend since I’m stuck at home anyhow.

My daughter gleefully informed me this week that I am old because I have outlived Alexander the Great, who died when he was 32. Fuck that guy. I aim to make it to at least three Alexanders.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): It doesn’t look like a lot of my usual plans are changing terribly much this weekend: Alt job leveling in Final Fantasy XIV, a bit of space flight in Elite: Dangerous, and some more Daemon X Machina because big robots are dope. I will also probably fire up Euro Truck Simulator 2 this weekend; the holiday gift delivery event is on and I kinda want that neon paint job.

My 40s feel like the touchstone age, honestly. I feel a bit more cognizant of my body’s needs, weaknesses, and failings now than I ever have before. So I’m doing what I can to lessen the erosion of that rising tide.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Got some WoW to play. Got some FFXIV to play. Got single-player games to play. Got books to read. Got presents to wrap. Got cats to bother.

Honestly, my impending 40th birthday doesn’t really get me. Get back to me in a few years when I live longer than one of my parents did!

Mia DeSanzo (@neschria): My oldest son (33) told me he was installing LoTRO for the first time, so I might see about catching up with him and his friend that I have only met briefly on Discord. Otherwise, I will be playing Terraria with my youngest son (7) who just got it on his laptop.

Bonus: 40 was a big milestone for me. I just suddenly realized at that age that this ride.is probably more than half over, so I had better get to doing anything I want to accomplish before I exit this mortal coil. 50 was not as big a deal. I am about to turn 52 though, and for some reason, that seems more significant. Like I am the cusp of being Old For Real.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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