New World previews Rise of the Angry Earth’s brand-new mount mechanics



Horses. Dire wolves. Lions. That’s what New World players will be riding in less than a month, when the game’s Rise of the Angry Earth launches and compels all the souls still walking around the island to buy it for mounts (OK, and for the other things too). But it’s mounts on display right now, as Amazon’s Dan Henuber sits down with the team lead for mounts, Andrew Menches, to talk about the new feature in this week’s Forged in Aeternum video.

“It’s been over a year – I’ve lost my sense of time while working on it,” Menches quips. Menches is a veteran of multiple racing and physics games, so he was as eager as players to make mounts come to life. The mount system will separate the cosmetic of your mount from how fast it can go; the riding skill will be a component of the player character and your gear, leveled up with mount XP earned through mount quests. It’s pretty sandboxy, frankly, and it’s worth it to flip through the video to see how the mounts work and move with things like dash.

Source: YouTube
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