Tarisland’s latest videos recap class choices and the casual Memory Maze minigame

The windows

Tencent is obviously in the home stretch for its release run for Tarisland, as it’s been dropping new videos all week.

The latest is a class-oriented video that essentially strings together influencer clips promoting their favorite classes and explaining their role in the game. Readers will already know that many of the classes are still gender-locked, though Tencent aims to amend that over time. The Paladin and Mage unlocks will make it in for the global release, but that of course leaves the Warrior, Ranger, Barbarian, Bard, Shadow Swordsman, Phantom Necro, and Priest locked for now.

Meanwhile, yesterday the team dropped another minigame themed vid, this one on the Memory Maze; billed as a casual minigame, it’s kind of a jumping puzzle where you can’t see the platform. So really, it’s a falling puzzle. Have fun.

Source: YouTube
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