Tower of Fantasy showcases its next new simulacrum arriving July 2


As with most news stories about Tower of Fantasy, we’re going to be referencing a lot of names of people and organizations that will mean almost nothing to those outside looking in, so if all you want is the Cliff’s Notes version of what this is all about, here it is: the multiplayer RPG is getting a new character on July 2nd.

This new trailer introduces players to Anka, the “heart and soul” of a crime syndicate known as Wednesday who has a particular penchant for attacking a company called Aurora Industries. The game’s Twitter further notes that she’s formerly known as Sige, is also known as ACE, and used to be friends with a character named Roslyn but is now attempting to avoid her.

As for the character in gameplay terms, Anka brings a big spiky baseball bat known as Poppin’ Stick to bear, which is just about as direct of a weapon as it sounds – her special ability even has her hitting a fireball homerun at foes. You can watch her in action in the video below.

sources: YouTube, Twitter
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