DC Universe Online marks 85 years of Batman with another Batman Day mini-celebration


Few comic book superheroes are as enduring as Batman, with the character still standing as an icon in multiple fandoms for 85 years. Naturally that means DC Universe Online is in the mood to celebrate the character and his legacy with yet another Batman Day mini-event.

From now until September 23rd, players can take on several different mission types that award source marks, Batman reward caches that are filled with thematic costume styles and base items, and an event currency that can be traded in for goodies such as the Haunted Gotham Cowl, just in case you want your character to sport the pointiest Bat Ears possible. Last but not least, players who log in will get themselves a spiffing in-game t-shirt that marks 85 years of Batman.

The associated playlist for the event will only be around for a limited time and will cycle activities, so Batfans are likely going to want to hop in. It’s a pretty simple affair for a major milestone, but what more could you want? A batusi perhaps?

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