WRUP: Mike is bringing over his hellburgers edition

Mayonnaise is funny

Akron, OH – Mike is apparently bringing over his hellburgers for the family cookout that we have in September for no good reason except that all of the other families have their cookouts during August, and we hate them, but we also want to take their food. You remember the Werners? Yeah, they said we have to stop going over to their yard when they have their family cookouts. They’re right next door, bunch of no-good… uh… what’s the deal with the Werners? Where are the Werners from? PAULA?! CAN YOU THINK OF SOMETHING MEAN I CAN SAY ABOUT THE WERNERS? NO, I DON’T CARE THAT YOU THINK MRS. WERNER IS CUTE!

  • Mike’s hellburgers are not spicy burgers; they are burgers made literally from infernal cows. You might think those would be spicy, but they actually taste kinda like nutmeg. I don’t understand it either.
  • No, I don’t know how Mike is going to hell.
  • No, I don’t know if infernal cows are safe to eat.
  • No, I don’t know what makes them infernal cows in the first place.
  • No, I do not know what a “Has-Been Hotel” is and I don’t want to. Put your phone away. Put your phone away, Chris. I do not care!
  • The burgers scream when you eat them. Also when you don’t eat them.
  • Every time I am allowed to write What Are You Playing it gets a little bit weirder.
  • Mayonnaise.

Bonus question: What’s a favorite food from when you were younger you haven’t had in a long time?

​Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): I mean, there’s a community day on Saturday, but the big show stopper will be the final Splatoon 3 Splatfest! I’ve already started the event but intend to go hard. For Team Future!

I used to love chicken nuggets as a kid. I guess “boneless wings” are kinda like nice nuggets, so if it doesn’t count, tuna fish sandwiches. I can’t remember the last time I had one.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’m pretty much living in Guild Wars 2 right now. I’m behind on Janthir Wilds, but I’m making up for it by hitting a bunch of my own goals with my toons.

Kahn’s hot dogs, cold. First thing that pops to mind. Hot dogs everywhere I’ve lived but home suck. I don’t even want to know what dreadful ingredient paste is really in them, so don’t tell me.

Carlo Lacsina (@UltraMudkipEX, YouTube, Twitch): I read the patch notes for Diablo 4’s upcoming 2.0 patch and they’re basically adding even more Diablo 3 features so… I’m playing Diablo 3 over the weekend.

Something I haven’t had in a long time is called ukoy. It’s basically a deep-fried squash patty, sometimes its got shrimp and other veggie toppings, but the way my mom makes it is outta this world. I should probably ask her to make a batch.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I picked up Visions of Mana for myself so I’m probably going to focus on that for the most part, but in our more usual neck of the woods there will be some Nightingale, some dailies in Final Fantasy XIV, and a bit more Lord of the Rings Online leveling.

Stuffed shells is one of those dishes that I haven’t had in a very long while. It was always one of my favorite dishes and was always the one I asked my mom to make for my birthday. I’m going to have to cook some up for myself sometime soon now that I think about it.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I’ll obviously be spending some time in FFXIV as is usual, but I also really do want to try out Satisfactory fresh with the 1.0 update. It’s a rough time out here, folks. I got nothing.

When I was younger, I really loved milkshakes, but my mother did not always want to take me out to get milkshakes. So sometimes she would place a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream in a cup, pour some milk in, and then mash it up a little to make a Homemade Milkshake. It was kinda cute.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’m focusing on cranking out side quests in World of Warcraft right now, as there are so many… and daddy likes a clean map. Please don’t tell anyone I called myself “daddy.” I’m also plunging into the Angle on my LOTRO Captain and wrapping up some Umbar stuff with my Minstrel.

Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I’ve been dabbling in the beta for Guild Wars 2’s new PvP mode. It’s certainly more active and feels quicker paced but I wouldn’t say it’s ready for prime time.

Bonus: My Aunt from Germany would make us this home made spaetzle when she would visit that I literally think about every couple of months. It was the best food ever and I really wish I could have it again. I’ve eaten spaetzle at restaurants and places before and no one comes close.

Tyler Edwards (blog): Going to be continuing in WoW. I’ve now got my shaman to level cap, so that’s two. My Blood Elf paladin from the Pandaria remix is next on deck. I might also play some of the New World open beta for the outfit reward, but to be honest I don’t love the look of it, so I may not bother.

Bonus question: I’d have said my father’s fried potatoes, but I actually made myself some relatively recently. Hmm… there was a carrot salad my mother used to make when I was very little that I remember liking. Can’t even remember what the ingredients were anymore.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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