‘Bullet-heaven’ co-op game The Spell Brigade is now available in early access

sorry buddy

What is friendship? Is it listening when someone has a problem? Is it offering resources and succor to bosom companions? Is it playing a game wherein you and your friends shoot spells all over the place with friendly fire turned on so you all wind up blowing one another up instead of your enemies? The Spell Brigade is betting on that last one, and it’s in early access right now if you’d like to see which of your friends is best at forgetting the range on an explosive spell that could end your run in a second.

Not that we’re thinking of anyone specific here. Ahem.

Players are encouraged to take on a roguelike journey with their friends, upgrading spells and elements, using explosive Revive Tokens to blast allies back to life, and generally laying waste to hordes of enemies as a group. The game is even on sale through September 23rd to celebrate its early access launch, so if this sounds like exactly the sort of chaos you want to unleash with your friends in multiplayer, you know what you ought to do. If you want to see it in action first, our own Chris and Sam will be streaming it live on Friday!

Source: Press release, Steam page
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