WRUP: Serious version experiment one – Video Game News edition

Yeah, that sounds right.
Welcome back to What Are You Playing. As readers may well remember, the prior week saw a poll asking to determine the future of this column in a more serious line, with each version scheduled to be tried in descending order of popularity. This week, the winning entry was covering video game news. As a result, please enjoy this very serious WRUP entry covering video game news. Next week will feature the second-place winner, a factual introduction. Thank you for your patience as we determine a new format for this column, and I trust you to remain mature and calm in the comments section.

Welcome to Massively Overpowered’s weekly dose of video game news. I’m your host, Slamjaw Hamwhistle. Our top story this morning: Talks broke down once again between the Mushroom Kingdom and the neighboring nation of Dreamland regarding gold mining rights found in World 4-2. Dreamland has been having consistent problems repulsing attacks from Wart’s Shyguys to continue the mining, which has prompted Princess Peach to introduce a resolution to parliament that would authorize the deployment of military forces. However, Dreamland representatives claim that this would represent a de facto seizure of the mine and have resisted these efforts. A military conflict between the two nations remains unlikely, but this may undercut the burgeoning trade deal that was just inked last month.

In Washington, DC, the ongoing Dragon Ninja trial has entered its ninth consecutive week as the defense attorney, Phoenix Wright, has argued that the Dragon Ninja were subject to unlawful and extralegal authority. While the government has insisted that President Ronnie’s kidnapping required unusual problem-solving in order to resolve the matter, Wright has argued that there is no provision for the United States government to deputize what are described simply as “bad dudes” to serve as martial enforcers of government will. In a stunning move, Wright has called the vice chief of the National Guard to testify in regards to this bizarre scenario. Legal analysts widely expect Dragon Ninja to be acquitted of some charges.

Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of video game news.

Bonus question: Have you ever had a habitual television viewing pattern?

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’ll be in Guild Wars 2 again this weekend – still dragging my feet through the bear plot, but having a lovely time back in season 4, of all places. Praise Joko.

I honestly would probably forget our TV existed if my husband weren’t constantly reminding me to watch stuff with him. I mean, look how behind I was on Rings of Power. Sometimes I’ll watch it while exercising, but I’d usually rather read or watch videos, so I can’t say it’s a useful habit.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): It’s going to be some more Throne & Liberty (in general as well as for CMA) along with a bit of Lord of the Rings Online since I’m really enjoying my Captain character a lot. I’m also thinking of dipping a bit more into City of Heroes, mostly because I think I’ve narrowed down the characters I actually want to play.

I don’t know about habitual TV watching patterns, but there have been a few shows that I considered to be appointment television, like The Blacklist, The Mysteries of Laura, Flashpoint, and Due South.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I’ve got my usual stuff to do in Final Fantasy XIV, an ever-expanding nightmare of parts and conveyer belts in Satisfactory, and very good reason to try to spend most of my weekend trying to relax and breathe. So that’s what I’ll be doing.

I’m old enough that there was a time when watching The Simpsons was a weekly, scheduled occurrence. Honestly, I’ve had lots of stuff where yes, I needed to be in front of the television when it happened, and one of the big reasons I will always have a soft spot for streaming services even as they make so many things worse is that it was always nice to be able to decouple a television show from being available at a specific time in the evening or whatever. I think the last thing I really watched on a schedule was Terra Nova, and considering how badly that fizzled out maybe it’s for the best.

Tyler Edwards (blog): Still playing World of Warcraft. I’ve reached the “now I can actually play the game” stage where I’ve completed all my major goals until the next patch, so I’m just wandering as my whim takes me. I also might take the opportunity to play some other things. Haven’t loaded up Heroes of the Storm in a while, and October puts me in mind of The Secret World.

Bonus question: I haven’t had traditional TV in a long time, but my life has always been defined by “habitual patterns” in every area. I still always watch “TV” with meals, even if these days that mostly means Seth Meyers clips, streaming Stargate SG-1, or watching pro StarCraft II matches on YouTube.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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