Every so often I find myself thinking that it must be so nice to live in the Shire in Lord of the Rings Online. Then I remind myself that there’s a place in that world that’s so evil pop culture will literally use it as a shorthand for “this place is really evil” and I think that even aside from the architecture being scaled for someone half my height, that might not actually be the best thing in the world. But it looks so pleasant and chill!
Of course, MMOs are kind of built for conflict, so very few of them actually exist in a peaceful world where the biggest problem is just someone’s cow getting out of its pen and munching on your azaleas. But if you can get past the gigantic conflict du jour, some of them definitely seem more pleasant to live in than others. (Like, Fallout 76 isn’t going to be a fun time no matter what.) So which MMO has a world that seems the most pleasant to live in? Not to be a player character in, but just to live there?