Over time, every single long-running MMORPG has certain pieces of content that are no longer available. Lots of games do their best to keep things available and even relevant for a long time, but eventually that fades away. Maybe some areas got repurposed or changed. Maybe something just generally works differently. Maybe there were even wide-scale revisions available. Whatever the case, there are pieces of content that have become unavailable, and players who still have the rewards from that have a piece of bragging rights that others can’t get.
And that’s cool. For a while. But eventually, it’s nice to give other people a crack at it.
I don’t mind if, say, the players who logged on to play Horse Pirate Adventures during its rocky first year have access to special horse armor that no one else can get, even as the game generally goes in other directions. But eventually it’d be nice to let players once again acquire that horse armor and decorate their horses appropriately.
So what’s an unavailable piece of content a long-running MMORPG should make available for players again? Yes, you should be specific here; just saying “all of it, ever” means you have failed a very basic test. Give an example!