MMO Project Ghost can be made faster than the ‘big boys’ for three reasons, says FPC’s Greg Street

a ghost is holding the hot dog

If you’re not already pulling for Fantastic Pixel Castle’s Project Ghost as one of your most anticipated MMOs because you think it’s too far off, you may want to revise your estimation. Studio lead Greg Street took to Bluesky to explain why the studio’s going to make this MMO faster than the “big boys” out there.

“The three things that take the longest on big games are in my experience: making a new engine, making a shit load of content, and stabilizing the design,” he said.

To wit, Street said that the studio isn’t making a new engine (it’s using Unreal), it’s going to be “smart” about content generation, it’s developing art in parallel, and the vision for the game is “locked” into place at this point.

“That leaves design churn as our big risk to delay,” he said. “It’s impossible to reduce this risk to zero because frequently playtest just goes in different ways than you expect. Ideas turn out to be bad and so on. But we are going to be vigilant about constantly pivoting on the creative direction.”

Source: Bluesky
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