Back when I played TERA for a feature on Massively-that-was, I found myself playing both a Warrior and a Lancer. Playing as a Warrior meant deftly weaving back and forth, dodging, jumping, and springing all over. Playing as a Lancer meant standing there and, when necessary, poking the target. It was a wildly different amount of work for two classes which at least ostensibly had the same roles.
Obviously, this is not the only case. There was a joke in World of Warcraft that Enhancement Shaman was like frantically playing the piano and Frost Mage was like lazily tooting on a kazoo; you have to constantly be aware of what you’re doing on Red Mage in Final Fantasy XIV but you can sort of just hit abilities as they come up as a Bard. So what do you think, readers? Which MMO has the worst discrepancy in combat pacing? Which game has a few combat options that are constantly in motion, and others that just let you get up and go make a sandwich mid-combat?