Last summer, I put up a Daily Grind on how people feel about “oh shit” buttons in MMOs – you know, those long-cooldown panic powers that take up tray and screen real estate. Generally speaking, I don’t like them. I don’t remember to use them in most MMOs that offer them.
But of course, MMORPGs just keep giving them to us anyway, so if we have them, we may as well try. And I do have a few that are a heckuva lot of fun to deploy.
For example: In City of Heroes, I am actually a big fan of taking AoE sleeps and disorients, even though they’re not super popular compared to hard controls. I always use them in “oh shit” moments to try to get a situation paused until my more secure powers are ready to use again. And who’s gonna turn down a well-timed Accelerate Metabolism or Fulcrum Shift to turn the tide of a battle going south?
What’s your favorite “oh shit” button in an MMO?