WIR October 25 2015 (Posts)

    EVE Vegas 2015: Citadel expansion details revealed - CCP promised some big reveals at EVE Vegas 2015 and so far it has definitely delivered. In yesterday's EVE Online keynote speech, we heard concrete details on the big Spring 2016 expansion and some other cool stuff…
    WoW Factor: A decade of Blizzard’s bad habits - The funny thing about World of Warcraft - and I should note here that I'm using "funny" in this case as a synonym for "odd" rather than "hilarious" - is that the game has been around…
    Wakfu rolls back EU server to June - Call it the mother of all rollbacks. A series of technical issues has resulted in massive amounts of lost data on Wakfu's EU Elbor server, requiring a shutdown of the server and a rollback to June 21st.…
    ArcheAge bans blockades, griefers cry about it - Those crazy ArcheAge kids, always mucking up the works! The latest bit of fantasy sandpark drama comes to us courtesy of the game's official forum, where Trion laid the smack down on griefers who were blocking…
    Camelot Unchained reveals its Shapeshifter classes - I think I found my preferred class in Camelot Unchained. It's called the Black Rider, and "while their attacks may not be as physically powerful as those of their opposing realms’ counterparts, their ability to spread…
    Sword Coast Legends has officially launched today - After a couple of delays over the past few months, Sword Coast Legends is now live on Steam and officially celebrating launch with a lengthy list of patch notes. The star of the launch patch is the…
    ‘Hardcore Russian’ MMO Sphere 3 aims at open beta - Do you often find yourself bemoaning the carebear environment of current MMOs and missing the "good old days" of unrelenting player killing across virtual worlds? Then one new Russian title might be your savior: Sphere 3:…
    Funcom is fined by Norwegian authorities - In January of last year, Funcom was subject to a raid by Økokrim, the Norwegian agency responsible for investigating and prosecuting financial crimes. The company complied with the investigation, and the long-delayed penalty of that particular…
    Chaos Theory: Sneaking into The Park with Joel Bylos - Decisions, decisions. When you are invited to a special sneak peek of The Park, the upcoming single-player game based on The Secret World's own Atlantic Island Amusement Park, guided by Joel Bylos, the very guy who…
    Linkin Park to perform at BlizzCon - BlizzCon 2015 has its big closing act: Linkin Park. The rock group has signed on to perform a concert for Blizzard's community on Saturday night, November 7th. As with most of the convention's coverage, fans who can't…
    Camelot Unchained reveals its heavy fighters - Next up on Camelot Unchained's class reveal docket is the upcoming MMO's heavy fighters, a brutal group of muscled pain that will be sure to ruin an enemy's day. As with the other reveals to date,…
    TERA welcomes new players with a video guide - [AL:TERA]Every MMO has its own quirks that other games simply don't possess, and TERA is no exception. Sure, you're familiar with the basics of logging on to a game client and naming your character, but there…
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