Lord of the Rings Online opens up Yondershire on the test server


Are you ready to explore the — heh heh — darker side of Hobbit culture? Of course, that’s not actually going to be that dark; more like “mildly shady.” But it will still be interesting to see how Lord of the Rings Online’s developers spin the upcoming addition to the Shire zone.

While Yondershire is set to arrive with Update 33 in late April (along with a host of monetization changes), impatient parties can check out the region right now on the Bullroarer test server. The PTR is running the first build of the patch through tomorrow.

Yondershire is a level 20 through 23 zone that carries with it the following description: “Since the time of Bullroarer Took, the Yondershire has squabbled with the more comfortable parts of the Shire. The upstart Lotho Sackville-Baggins aims to bully the local Hobbits, but they’re none too keen on his designs. Explore the Yondershire, and experience some more delightful Hobbit adventures, our first expansion of the Shire in years!”

Alternatively, you can watch Druidsfire explore the new region below:

Source: LOTRO
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