The year 2022 is about halfway over with, and Michael “Wrel” Henderson, the lead designer of PlanetSide 2, is taking stock of what’s to come for the shooter and sharing his thoughts in a new address to players, where he confirms that the game’s update cadence will be reeled back a bit from its earlier aspirations.
According to the post, the point of this slowdown is to ensure that the team isn’t scrambling to fix releases after they’re kicked out too soon, with the recent Outfit Wars content being a prime example. “Through September, we’re going to take some time and reexamine what remains of the roadmap, see what needs to be cut, moved, or pivoted away from, and take our update cadence a bit slower through the end of the year,” reads the post.
The letter does voice some concern for the decision as it relates to the game’s overall activity and player satisfaction, but ultimately Wrel concludes that the choice is the right one for the long-term health of the game and that this time of the year is the right moment to do it. “Given the increasing need for some cleanup, and that we’re moving into a traditionally high-populated time of the year, we should have a safer space to experiment with slowing down,” Henderson writes.