Just when you thought you caught them all in Temtem, here comes a spanking new update to prove you wrong. Patch 1.5: Endless Night arrives today, bringing with it Season 5 and a whole lot of additional content.
This creature collecting MMO is putting a lot of muscle into its fall update, with a new randomized mode, the aforementioned season with twin reward tracks, the upcoming Halloween event, improvements to lairs, a casual difficulty level for dojo rematches, and more.
The really big news for this patch is the introduction of a third type of mythical Temtem, the Umbra: “Umbras will be a rarer type of Temtem than even Lumas. In order to have access to them, tamers will need to complete a brand new quest, including a new route and a battle with the final Temtem. When players encounter Umbras, they’ll find a Temtem with a dark altered base color and a brand-new effect.”