
Temtem applies a fix-filled patch, gives out cosmetic banners to mark ‘Pride Year’

While Temtem will not be receiving any more new content after its 1.7 update, that still doesn't mean that the game isn't being patched...

The MOP Up: Temtem goes neon as it spins down development

Temtem's Patch 1.7 arrived with the start of its Neon Reverie season, the game's last as development starts to spin down: "To close it...

Temtem Swarm debuts a new gameplay trailer and previews one of its boss monsters

Temtem: Swarm, the second spinoff game from the originally Kickstarted "MMO-lite" game Temtem, has come back as a major blip on our radar as...

Temtem offers a closer look at gameplay features and the end of monetization coming in patch 1.7

The penultimate patch for the critter-catching MMO Temtem is nigh. Crema Games has offered up a sneak peek at patch 1.7, which will herald...

April Fools’ Day 2024 events and gags from around the MMORPG world

Welcome to weird MMORPG game mode day! I mean, April Fools' Day - not that we're sorry a lot of the "pranks" have become...

Temtem applies bug fixes and balance tweaks, Temtem Swarm shows off its first playable creature

Temtem - the MMO that's not really an MMO according to developer Crema - has put out a fresh adjustment patch for its ongoing...
I've talked out of both sides of my mouth now.

Crema now says 1.8 will be Temtem’s last feature patch as it waffles on the game’s MMO status

It hasn't even been been a week since Temtem's studio Crema prompted mods to lock down the game's subreddit and tried to convince everyone...
Everything's going so well!

Temtem subreddit mods temporarily close the sub following Temtem Swarm uproar

So hey, things with Temtem are just going absolutely super. Last week, Crema Games insisted that it was still working on the main game...
Mood, dude.

Crema Games says it is ‘still working on Temtem’ following Temtem Swarm backlash

If you're just a wee bit anxious about Temtem these days, what with a new spinoff being announced after the last spinoff didn't work, the...

Temtem studio reveals another new co-op multiplayer spinoff: Temtem Swarm

Kickstarted critter-collection MMO Temtem is having yet another go at a spin-off title, this one a "bullet-heaven" co-op title called Temtem Swarm. Readers will recall...

Temtem launches a new season and adds a replay feature in latest update

The world of Temtem is using the winter season as an overall theme for its latest season-launching update as well as an overall focus...

Temtem closes its competitive esports tournament and associated Showdown standalone PvP side game

Allow us a moment to recap events before diving in to the headline above because this one is going to need some context. Last...

Make My MMO: The biggest MMO crowdfunding stories of 2023

Welcome to a special end-of-the-year edition of Make My MMO, the MassivelyOP column where we - well, I - keep tabs on all of...

Temtem’s holiday event brings joy, cheer, and a lot of footwork

Have you been a good little Temtem this year? Hm... that isn't an overwhelming "yes" there. Maybe you need to put in a bit...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: Classic video games that would make terrible MMORPGs

There was a time when MMORPGs were all based on existing storied single-player RPG franchises, and that time was when Ultima Online launched and...

Temtem’s latest patch tweaks lairs, expands emote use, and fixes a huge list of bugs

Crema's critter capturing MMORPG Temtem has gotten itself a new patch that's light on content but heavy on fixes and adjustments, which might be...
Bye, I guess.

Vague Patch Notes: Pivots don’t work with MMOs

So we can pretty much confirmed now that Pantheon's goose is thoroughly cooked. Yes, I know, the folks at Visionary Realms are claiming that...
Yes... the island.

Temtem delays its esports event until November as it wrestles with persistent patch 1.5 bugs

The end of September brought a new content patch to the critter catching MMORPG Temtem, but it also brought along with it a whole...

Temtem’s Endless Night update arrives today with a new mythical being to collect

Just when you thought you caught them all in Temtem, here comes a spanking new update to prove you wrong. Patch 1.5: Endless Night...

Temtem’s September 25 update includes a new challenge mode and new Mythical Temtem

Kickstarted critter-catchin' MMO Temtem is celebrating a full year since the game's 1.0 update launched, but it's not been resting on its laurels. In...