Temtem subreddit mods temporarily close the sub following Temtem Swarm uproar

Everything's going so well!

So hey, things with Temtem are just going absolutely super. Last week, Crema Games insisted that it was still working on the main game in addition to Temtem Swarm and that the latest spinoff game wouldn’t mean the end of updates for the MMO you Kickstarted. Apparently, the kerfuffle over this particular issue has led to the Crema-organized moderators on the game’s subreddit closing the subreddit down for a few days while also posting an FAQ which once again insists that the main game isn’t dead and more updates are coming.

The sub is back open as of this morning; according to the posted FAQ, the temporary closure was a direct result of the sub becoming a toxic environment.

“This community has ended up becoming a very toxic environment for players, mods, and potential new members who‘d like to join it. After a long consideration on the future of this Subreddit, the moderators have decided to lock it for a short period of time to review the mistakes they and we might have made in the past, and to create an improved, new space for you, Tamers. After the lockdown, a new informative post will be made with a new set of rules that the moderation team hopes everyone will follow, to ensure the subreddit becomes a more diverse and healthy place.”

As we type this at 8 a.m. EST, the subreddit is opened, but the new rules have yet to be announced.

The FAQ also repeats that the Arcade Bar is still coming in patch 1.7, that Temtem Swarm is intended as a separate title, and that Temtem itself is and always has been meant as an “MMO-lite,” while also admitting that player numbers are currently low. So… yeah. Going great!

Source: Reddit
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