World of Warships teases its next content update as it sells Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cosmetics

T-U-R-T-L-E (fire)power


Gamers of a particular vintage will probably remember The Hunt for Red October, a naval-based action thriller about a Soviet submarine’s attempt to defect to the United States before crossed wires turn the Cold War into an open conflict. While that won’t be represented completely in World of Warships, a game mode that still involves hunting a Soviet submarine is headed to the game soon.

The Red October bounty hunt event will let players field several types of ships to either hunt down bounty craft or, if players are the bounty, take down the hunters first. This event is just one of several highlights in the upcoming patch, which will include three game modes in mode shuffle like the return of epicenter, a Battle of Leyte Gulf event, an event pass that celebrates German Unification Day, and new combat mission chains.

Speaking of things from the ’90s, Warships has kicked off yet another collab with a cartoon series meant to sell toys (and we don’t mean the Transformers again), as the historical vehicle battler is selling several cosmetics based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles including ship skins, characters from the show as ship commanders, and flags.

sources: press release, official site (1, 2, 3)
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