Sea of Thieves’ Season 14 emphasizes stealth and skullduggery with new weapons and tricks October 17


Most of the time in Sea of Thieves, players are effectively loud and brash pirates owing to the fact that they fire cannons, throw explosives, or otherwise dash into danger and battle for that sweet loot. That behavior may change a bit with the upcoming launch of Season 14 on Thursday, October 17th, which will (as the season’s subtitle suggests) encourage Making Mischief thanks to the addition of several new tools.

Players will be able to get significantly sneakier with the addition of crouch-walking, the ability to hang off of the side of an enemy boat, and the ability to use disguises that will let players hide as common barrels or even treasure chests to be brought on board an enemy vessel.

The season will also bring the new grappling gun that promises new traversal and a blow dart weapon that fires different darts that can poison, explode, or even be used as fake treasure gleams to try to make enemies fall into a trap. Speaking of traps, there are new bear traps that can either be placed on their own or have certain items like fireworks or explosive cannonballs added to them for an additional bit of spice.

The season of mischief-making is further being celebrated with the usual new cosmetics arriving to the cash shop and outposts, as well as in a Golden Scallywags awards ceremony that will grant prizes to players who display some of their best deception on social media. For now, players can peek at all of the upcoming devious dealings in the video below.

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