Does anyone remember this? This was a thing that happened. I wrote a news post about it. A thing was done with a button, stuff took place… I mean, I seriously never bothered checking up on it again, what happened when the timer on that ran out? Does anyone know? Was that the button that kept the world turning? Is the world still turning? We might want to get out and check.
The important thing is that I’m curious about what ever wound up happening with the button, but not curious enough to do the five seconds of research on Google to answer the question. Maybe there were kittens involved, who knows.
Anyhow, that was all I had for the week. I’m packing for a trip again, I’m distracted. Listen, just… head on down to the comments and let us know what you’re playing this weekend, like we did up above. It’s What Are You Playing, you know how the deal works.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’ll probably clock some time with Guild Wars 2 or maybe even Guild Wars for some anniversary shenanigans. And I’ll probably poke my head into Ultima Online. Yes, people still play that game.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I’m traveling out of state again next week, so I’m going to get my ducks in a row in Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft before I leave, along with some puttering about in various Steam titles.
Mike Foster (@MikedotFoster, blog): A friend and I just picked up BattleBlock Theater; we’re having a ball with that. Might go back through Dark Souls, might do some Dota 2.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I’ll be up to no good in Grand Theft Auto Online! And when I break from stealing cars there I will be looking for cars to joyride in in H1Z1. I also plan on completing at least one Heritage Quest in EverQuest II with friends.
Tina Lauro (@purpletinabeans): I’ve already started playing Guild Wars 2, and I’m not planning on moving away from it for most of the weekend. Unless I squeeze in more testing of The Elder Scrolls Online on PS4. I’m totally procrastinating because my finals are in about 2 weeks, so don’t tell my tutors…
Your turn!