Justin Olivetti

Justin Olivetti

Senior Reporter

A casual gamer and long-time MMO fan, Justin is often heard yelling, "Player housing for all!" in the Massively Overpowered offices. In addition to news, he tackles LOTRO Legendarium for LOTRO, The Perfect Ten, Jukebox Heroes, the retrospective Game Archaeologist series, One Shots, and the Massively OP podcast.

Personal blog: BioBreak
Twitter: @sypster

NCsoft is linking Blade & Soul’s servers next week

Is it a merge or something not as dire? Either way, Blade & Soul is preparing to make some significant adjustments to its server structure...

Get your Dogma: Eternal Night fix with a trio of new videos

If your bloodlust is running a little high as you wait for Dogma: Eternal Night to be finished, then perhaps we can slake your dark...

Albion Online overhauls several systems for its final beta

Is everyone super-excited about Albion Online's final beta test coming next month? Not only is there something magical about the word "final" in game...

Long-running vampire MMO Dark Eden looks for Steam Greenlight approval

While it might seem that Steam exists to promote and sell the newest games on the market, on occasion old classics pop up looking...

Global Chat: Why SWTOR’s dark vs. light side event fails

Star Wars: The Old Republic's new Dark vs. Light event has everyone talking, including MMO bloggers. The consensus seems to be wavering between bewilderment...

New Dawn is the survival sandbox that pits natives against pirates

Game studios are a bit like Klondike gold rushers, always scurrying to jump on the current hot trend. So witness, friends, the swelling of...

Is World of Warcraft kicking off a pre-Legion event today?

Wake up, World of Warcraft players, because you may be pressed into service against the irksome demons today. Last night, Blizzard sent out a cryptic tweet with...

The Daily Grind: How did you find your MMO guild?

I'll admit that I have a very haphazard approach to finding guilds in MMORPGs. Part of my problem is that I jump between games...

Worlds Adrift’s writer cites Gulliver’s Travels as inspiration

Bossa Studios Lead Writer Matt Cook sat down for an in-house interview about his work in creating the story for Worlds Adrift. Cook cited...
Past the crimson fields of... wait, sorry, wrong bit.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 72: The dog days of summer updates

Justin and Bree discuss Riders of Icarus, Landmark, Age of Conan, RIFT, and Aion, with mailbag questions on FFA PvP tension and social encounters.

Crowfall shows you how you can kick down its walls

Did you ever like setting up blocks and dominos as a kid just to experience the joy of smashing them and seeing them fall...

Steam temporarily blacklists Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gambling site

A Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gambling site was the center of a controversy this past weekend when Steam temporarily blacklisted the link on its platform. CSGO Lotto,...

Elite Dangerous lessens RNG frustration and promotes interstellar tourism

In the latest Elite Dangerous newsletter, the developers said that even more adjustments are coming to smooth out the rocky Engineers update and lessen...

Unannounced Diablo project is looking for a game director

So what's going on with Diablo? Something, apparently, as Blizzard is currently hiring a game director for an unannounced Diablo project. Blizzard told Polygon that...

ArcheAge secures publisher for Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau

The reach of ArcheAge keeps spreading across the globe, as word has arrived that the Chinese territories of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau have...

R.I.P. PlanetSide

With barely a whisper in memory of its long-running MMOFPS, Daybreak closed down the PlanetSide servers this past weekend. The studio had previously stated that...

Here’s everything that’s coming with Elder Scrolls Online’s Update 11

It's hard to know what to be more excited for in The Elder Scrolls Online: the major update that's coming to the game in...

The MOP Up: Final Fantasy XI expands its wardrobe (July 3, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Darkfall: New Dawn launches its public InDev server

One of the two Darkfall reboots has sort of won the race to release, as New Dawn announced this past week that it has...

One Shots: Victory pose

It's an MMO tradition: When you down a particularly nasty boss, you and your party gathers around the corpse, joins hands, and sings about...