Justin Olivetti

Justin Olivetti

Senior Reporter

A casual gamer and long-time MMO fan, Justin is often heard yelling, "Player housing for all!" in the Massively Overpowered offices. In addition to news, he tackles LOTRO Legendarium for LOTRO, The Perfect Ten, Jukebox Heroes, the retrospective Game Archaeologist series, One Shots, and the Massively OP podcast.

Personal blog: BioBreak
Twitter: @sypster

Roll a Warlock in Dungeons and Dragons Online next month

Time to roll up a new character in Dungeons and Dragons Online! In a new producer's letter, Robert Ciccolini said that the team will...

Elder Scrolls Online begins cracking down on ‘fradulent’ game keys

It could be one of the most heart-dropping emails an MMO player could get: a notice that the game key he or she purchased...

Richard Garriott’s first CRPG playable in Shroud of the Avatar

In 1977, Richard Garriott designed his first computer RPG on a teletype at his high school in order to earn a computer of his...

One Shots: My imaginary friends

Here's a fun thought: What if we aren't actually playing MMOs? What if we're just sitting in front of blank screens, creating fantasy worlds...

LOTRO Legendarium: Eight years, eight pictures, eight stories

I might be a little tardy in doing this, but every spring since I started to write about Lord of the Rings Online, I've...

World of Warcraft: No flying in Draenor, perhaps forever

World of Warcraft player pilots are officially grounded for the indefinite future. Lead Designer Ion Hazzikostas said that while Blizzard was originally looking at turning...

The Daily Grind: Do you feel alone in your games?

As one or two people have pointed out, MMOs are multiplayer by their very definition -- and massively so. Yet even if you're in...

Blizzard takes cigar from Heroes of the Storm character, internet flips tables

Tychus is now on the nicotine patch. Blizzard has removed the cigar from its depiction of the Starcraft II character in its upcoming Hereoes of...

Allods Online looks for approval on Steam Greenlight

Allods Online is looking to join the not-very-exclusive Steam club by going through the greenlight process. Right now the game is up on Steam...

SkySaga starts alpha 4, unveils new website

SkySaga is not lying low these days; the colorful sandbox recently launched its fourth alpha test, which it has expanded to include more players...

League of Legends tests automated punishments for bad player behavior

Getting on top of bad player behavior in League of Legends may be an impossible job -- for mere people, that is. But what...

EverQuest’s new progression server comes online (again)

After a disasterous initial outing and subsequent wipe, EverQuest's Ragefire server came back online last night to welcome players back to the classic era...

Age of Wushu opens The Warrior’s Journey expansion

Feeling the urge to travel vast, untamed lands? Then it might be up to Age of Wushu to fill that need. The martial arts...

Lineage II starts work on an EU classic server

After NCsoft solicited the Lineage II playerbase last month about whether or not it wanted a classic server in Europe, the community has answered...

EverQuest’s new progression server wiped due to launch issues

It was a less-than-auspicious beginning for EverQuest's highly anticipated progression server. The new server, Ragefire, came up yesterday and was immediately beset by several issues...

Star Trek Online Iconian War featured episode delayed

The Iconian War is hot stuff in Star Trek Online these days, but players will need to cool their heels due to a "critical...

Guild Wars 2 denies expansion date rumors, addresses ‘peaceful’ WvW bug

Don't believe everything you read from online retailers. This is the lesson that we must learn again as a supposed summer release date for...

Dark Age of Camelot throws Memorial Day bonus weekend

Dark Age of Camelot fans might want to adjust their plans for the upcoming holiday weekend in the US, as Broadsword is turning on...

Crossout gives you the freedom to mix-and-match death machines

Remember how hot the vehicular combat genre used to be, especially in the '90s with titles like Twisted Metal? Apart from the short-lived Auto...

Behind the scenes of the Marvel Heroes machine

With Marvel movies and television shows coming out left and right (and the comics, of course), hitching your game to this hot property is...