Larry Everett

Larry Everett


When not sitting at his computer, Larry... just kidding. He is always sitting at his computer. Larry has made a career out of running websites and playing MMORPGs, so posing in front of a monitor is a way of life. If he is not busy updating his web designs, he is digitally painting or typing out that novel he will never finish.

You can follow his Star Wars: The Old Republic writing in his long-running column, The Hyperspace Beacon.

"Listen, you don’t know me, son, so I’m gonna say this once: If I ever kill you, you’ll be awake, you’ll be facing me, and you’ll be armed."

Personal blog: Hyperspace Beacon
Twitter: @shaddoe

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online’s 2015 report card

I’ve never had a chance to do an annual "report card" like this for Elder Scrolls Online because I left the game by the time that...

Sword and Bored: Rage quit

Mo disconnects from his game in an epic rage quit for our 2015 comic finale.

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s 2015 report card

It’s hard to believe that it’s been another year in Star Wars: The Old Republic. On the 20th of this month, the second Star...

Sword and Bored: Dye job

Mo demos his MMO's new dye combos for his most discerning buddy Amilya.

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online’s Veteran Ranks take center stage again

This week, I really wanted to talk about Orsinium. There are some really great things happening in Elder Scrolls Online in the DLC that I’d...

Sword and Bored: Alt

Thanks to his friend Amilya, Mo has finally rolled up an alt -- but has he really?

Hyperspace Beacon: The confused state of the galaxy in Star Wars: The Old Republic

I don’t write a lot about the Star Wars: The Old Republic roleplay community because I don’t usually like it to be known who...

Sword and Bored: The seams of the world

Mo is finally rescued from his free-fall, but that's not the end of his team's troubles.

Hyperspace Beacon: Spoiler-filled impressions of SWTOR Knights of the Fallen Empire

By now, everyone who was in early access for Knights of the Fallen Empire has played through the story at least once. If not,...

Sword and Bored: Customer service

Mo learns there's a fate worse than falling through the world: dealing with customer service!

SWTOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire and the illusion of choice

Knights of the Fallen Empire, the latest expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic, launched early access today, and SWTOR fans are elated. They...

The Stream Team: 12 Days of TOR, Day 12

The final day of 12 Days of TOR is here, and we are doing a little twist in today's Star Wars: The Old Republic...

First impressions: SWTOR’s Knights of the Fallen Empire delivers

For the last few days, I have been playing the Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire. My expectations going...

Sword and Bored: World clipping

Mo falls through the cracks in the world and struggles to save himself from his MMO.

The Stream Team: 12 Days of TOR, Day 10

We can see the finish line fast approaching! Today's adventures in Star Wars: The Old Republic will lead MJ to the end of Belsavis...

Massively Opinionated: Which is the best open-world PvP, WvW or FFA?

It's a real battle to the death when Larry Everett invites Tina Lauro and Brendan Drain to debate WvW and FFA PvP.

Tamriel Infinium: Orsinium makes me forget the things I don’t like about ESO leveling

Anyone reading this column regularly understands that I have a bit of a tiff with ZeniMax because of the way it's handled the leveling...

The Stream Team: 12 Days of TOR, Day 9

Chapter 2 of Star Wars: The Old Republic has been completed. MJ's Imperial Agent is free from the brainwashing programming of Imperial Intelligence. But a...

Sword and Bored: Ready check

Mo joins his first raid. The first boss fight has been explained and everyone is ready, right? Right?

The Stream Team: 12 days of SWTOR, day 8

"Keyword: onomatophobia. Thesh protocol, phase one" is what the Jedi told MJ's character to get her to do exactly what he wanted. But all...