
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV and the ever-shifting landscape of class imagery

Here's a fun question for the series fans in the audience: How many party members in Final Fantasy VI had traditional jobs? The answer, somewhat...
This plan sure worked!

WoW Factor: A wishlist for 2017 in World of Warcraft

This year has been a pile of garbage and I'll be glad it's over. It's not that I'm convinced 2017 will be any better...

Guild Chat: Reflecting on 2016’s MMO guild issues and commenter advice

We're finally rid of the crazy rollercoaster ride that was 2016 and are now taking our seats aboard the crazy train that'll be 2017, meaning...

One Shots: The Christmas when no one showed up

If an MMO throws a Christmas party and no one shows up, who gets the presents? Will that eggnog ever get drunk? Are the...
This one may not overlap with that home one nicely.

The Daily Grind: What are your MMO resolutions for the new year?

Here we are again: It's a new year, and 2017 has a very low bar to pass to be a better year. Not that...

LOTRO Legendarium: A cautious hope for the future

One of the threads that weaves the Lord of the Rings narrative together is that of hope. Holding onto faith in friends, perseverance against...

EverQuesting: Welcome to the Daybreak family, LOTRO and DDO

Sometimes there's news that just makes you go, "Huh?" At times it happens because said information makes no sense whatsoever; other times it surprises...

Perfect Ten: Biggest MMORPG surprises of 2016

Back at the beginning of December, I posted a list of what I considered to be the biggest MMORPG stories of 2016. However, there...
Iconic or no, I just don't care.

The Daily Grind: How do you handle being wrong about speculation with an MMO?

A new expansion is a time for fan communities to come together and speculate about what's coming next. What will be the next batch...

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online’s 2016 report card

Greetings, men and mer. It’s that time of year again when I take a look back on everything that Elder Scrolls Online has given...
Good sir, might I have a moment of things I can steal from your home?

Choose My Adventure: The Elder Scrolls Online in review

Back when I played through The Elder Scrolls Online's beta, I said that it was another generic fantasy MMO in a field already choked...

Global Chat: Boobs and wrinkles edition

Is the infamous "chainmail bikini" slowly disappearing from western RPGs and MMOs? Pete at Dragonchasers thinks that it is... and he kind of laments...

EVE Evolved: 2016 EVE Online year in review

It's been another busy year for sci-fi MMO EVE Online, and an absolute roller coaster ride for both players and developer CCP Games. On the...

Flameseeker Chronicles: 2017 predictions for Guild Wars 2

The year is most definitely drawing to a close: I've devoured a mountain of turkey and stuffing sandwiches, binge-watched all of my favourite holiday...
It's not that weather here!

Wisdom of Nym: The Final Fantasy XIV Tokyo Fan Festival in review

Ah, that moment when something is revealed that everyone already knows about. There was no real ambiguity about what the first new job was...

The MOP Up: Christmas in a warzone (December 25, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: I make this look good

Back in high school, I thought it was the epitome of cool to wear reflective aviator shades and a jean jacket. Alas, I could...
Making lists and so forth.

The Daily Grind: What did you get this year?

You know, people, today is a holiday. I am writing this days in advance, because on the morning you're reading this, I will be...

Jukebox Heroes: MMO music for the holidays

I absolutely adore Christmas music -- in moderation and in season. I keep to strict personal rules not to listen to it before Black...

The Game Archaeologist: Wing Commander Online and Privateer Online

In late 2012, former Wing Commander developer-slash-movie director Chris Roberts emerged from a decade of obscurity to ask for help to fund his vision...