
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

WoW emulator Nostalrius’ sunset renews calls for retro WoW servers

As we reported last night, Blizzard lawyers issued a legal threat against popular vanilla World of Warcraft emulator server Nostalrius, propelling its administrators to begin...

EVE Online war update: Thousands return to join the war

For the past week we've been closely following the events of a monumental war that has kicked off in sci-fi MMO EVE Online. The conflict that has...

RIFT’s Runeshaper is one of five souls in the $34.99 Ascended Soul Pack

According to online research, "runeshaper" is not an actual recognized word. According to a leading professor at a New England liberal arts college, "runeshaper"...
Hey, it's okay.

The Daily Grind: What MMO has offered you the best customer service?

I have had three separate Final Fantasy XI accounts over the years, and because of the way in which those accounts work, it is...
It's big, yeah yeah yeah, it's not small, etc.

Take a look at Hearthstone’s biggest minion yet

The next expansion for Hearthstone will feature a big minion. Very big. Whispers of the Old Gods brings out the Ancient One, a minion...

Blizzard’s legal threat shuts down WoW emulator Nostalrius

Another World of Warcraft emulator bites the dust this week. Year-old "Progressive Vanilla" WoW emu Nostalrius announced on its official website that pursuant to a...
Always more orcs after all.

EverQuest II shows off the upcoming Scourge Keep raid

Back in the day in EverQuest II, Deathfist Citadel was the home of the Deathfist orc clan, and players went ahead and stormed the...

Blizzard confirms BlizzCon dates: November 4th and 5th

Blizzard has just confirmed that this year's BlizzCon is on for November 4th and 5th in Anaheim. That means it's almost time to fight to...
Right, luv.

Blizzard swapped Tracer’s butt pose in Overwatch with a… different butt pose

We're sure you're all still watching Overwatch's #tracergate with keen anticipation, so you'll be pleased to know that Blizzard replaced Tracer's infamous "butt pose"...
There are places I remember

Meet RIFT’s Maelstrom, complete with awesome shark-head

If anyone ever asks you what the best soul in RIFT might be, you now know that the answer is the Maelstrom. Is any...
Get better at this.

The Daily Grind: What advice would you give tanks in your MMO?

I've danced through many roles in MMOs, but the one that remains largely explored for me is that of the tank. Oh, the idea...

Battle Bards Episode 72: Listeners’ request anniversary

Can you believe it -- it's the third anniversary of Battle Bards already! Three years ago, Steff, Syp, and Syl joined forces to create...
Weird dog.

Final Fantasy XI updates with mounts and a new battle style

If you want to get somewhere in Final Fantasy XI, you usually have to walk there. Like an animal. Sure, there are rentable chocobos...
This game really provides no shortage of illustrations we need for this.

Hearthstone’s Whispers of the Old Gods is likely launching on April 26th

There's no formal announcement just yet of when Hearthstone players will be able to jump into the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion, but...
You let me down, man.

Star Wars: The Old Republic launches Visions in the Dark with its latest update

Are you of the mind that Emperor Valkorion in Star Wars: The Old Republic is an enormous jerk, or are you more in the...

The Daily Grind: What’s the ‘deadest’ live MMORPG out there?

If you were all prepared to troll with a sunsetted game or say "anything by Daybreak or Trion or whatever studio that's popular to hate...
You say that like it's a bad thing.

Heroes of the Storm previews Tracer’s mechanics

Cheers, Heroes of the Storm fans, the cavalry's nearly here. Tracer is dropping into the game for Overwatch pre-orders on April 19th, and a...
Here we go again.

Wisdom of Nym: Where we’re heading in Final Fantasy XIV with patch 3.3 (and beyond)

I've made no real secret of the fact that I don't particularly like Final Fantasy XIV's live letters. Leaving aside the usual issues I...
One day the snow began to fall...

Black Desert puts auto-path looping to player vote

Burke's Law: Never ask a question unless you already know the answer. That's a rule Daum hopefully knows already, else it might not have...
Sort of like jingles.

Final Fantasy XI’s game director is leaving the title

The development of Final Fantasy XI is more about maintenance than completely new lands, but the person in charge of the game is still...