
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

On the plus side, good on these folks for always providing nice pretty images with every new update.

Skyforge releases Marsh of Knowledge patch notes

Skyforge is bringing you March in February. Specifically, it's bringing the March of Knowledge. The patch is called March of Knowledge, anyway, which seems...

WildStar’s new game director Chad Moore on the state of the game

Chad Moore is moving up the ranks in Carbine Studios; after a long tenure as the lore expert, Moore is now the director behind...

Wisdom of Nym: The Warring Triad and what it means for Final Fantasy XIV

The Warring Triad is a big deal in Final Fantasy VI. We don't actually know if it's a big deal in Final Fantasy XIV,...
Oh, these bugs.

Final Fantasy XIV previews the upcoming Gnath beast tribe quests

Even if you've never played Final Fantasy XIV, you can probably make a decent guess about how the Gnath work. They're little insectoid people;...

Hi-Rez’s developer pin-up calendar spoof raises cash for charity

Almost two years ago, SMITE developer Hi-Rez Studios ran stream of its developers doing crazy stuff, like eating peppers and shaving their heads, in order...
Always the same.

How Diablo III’s set dungeons are built

There's a new kind of challenge in Diablo III with the advent of Set Dungeons, specific challenges with pre-determined sets. The latest entry on the...

One Shots: On a highway to Hell

The Secret World has needed awesome mounts since, oh, day one, and it does my heart good to see players rumble about on hogs,...
That looks pretty much like the existing world, really.

Leaderboard: MMO RvR versus FFA PvP

Last month, we did a little post on MMORPG PvP asking about two-faction PvP and whether it was really suited for all the MMO...
If I could turn back time, it wouldn't really matter.

WRUP: Entropic triage edition

This week, I got some good news on Tuesday and Monday, but most of the week has been things breaking. My car has issues...

The Daily Grind: What’s the appeal of survival games?

It hasn't escaped my attention that survival games have become an insanely popular video game market over the past few years. Titles like ARK:...

Armored Warfare’s open beta struggles with exploits

Exploiters in Armored Warfare's open beta are finding out their activities aren't welcome this week. Content Manager Silentstalker says that "a bug on ...

Das Tal introduces new features for weekend test, opens clan signups

Indie sandbox Das Tal is running a "dev-supporter-exlusive" playtest this weekend to test its latest build and its new features. What can testers expect...

Exploring ‘The Video Game Debate’: Social outcomes and online gamers

Of all the chapters in Rachel Kowert and Thorsten Quandt's book The Video Game Debate: Unravelling the Physical, Social, and Psychological Effects of Video...

Ask Mo: Re-reviewing MMORPGs and birthday shenanigans

Mo's been collecting letters to the editor for me to address in Ask Mo for the past month or two, and this one from...
Black Desert

Black Desert pre-order name registration begins Tuesday

Black Desert has just announced that it will be opening name reservations to pre-order players beginning at 1 p.m. EST on Tuesday, February 9th....
More for the slaughter once again.

The Daily Grind: Does gender play a role in your MMORPG class selection?

We've been covering Nick Yee-founded Quantic Foundry's game analytics research as it's fleshing out the Gamer Motivation Model, which seeks to create a modernized...

Ingress event moves from Brazil to Seattle over Zika virus fears

A large gathering of Ingress players in Rio, Brazil for an anomaly -- a multi-hour in-person gaming event -- has been mostly moved to...

Elite: Dangerous changes how Horizons is sold, discusses patch 2.1’s focus

Are you confused about the process of upgrading from Elite: Dangerous to the Horizons expansion? Do you find it frustrating and unclear? Have you...

EverQuesting: Music makes EverQuest II’s Terrors of Thalumbra complete

Music has been on my mind a lot lately. OK, so it is always on my mind! From skipping down the streets belting out...
Do this differently.

WoW Factor: Thoughts from inside the Legion alpha

Tuesday brought along a big surprise for me in the form of access to the Legion alpha test. I had pretty much resigned myself...