
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

World of Warplanes kicks off its Furiously Flying competition

Think you're a hotshot World of Warplanes pilot? You can prove it starting today via Wargaming's Furiously Flying Competition. The challenge involves earning as...

Turbine to announce LotRO server closures on August 3

Turbine has published a blog post detailing Lord of the Rings Online's upcoming server transfers, server consolidation, and data center move. The company hasn't...
'Problem' is not a synonym for 'thing I personally don't like.'

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward at the one-month mark

Heavensward has been out a bit more than a month now if you count the launch of early access as the "real" launch of...
There are wolves out here.

Tree of Savior kicks off English testing on August 4th

Attention, hopeful Tree of Savior fans who have been scanning the horizon, desperately pining for a boat to arrive bearing word about the game's...
Don't do, well, all of the things you're encouraged to do by this game's mechanics.

Revival outlines mechanics for religion and temples

The developers behind Revival don't want your only path to conquest to be something as simple as warfare. You can also subtly influence a...

The Daily Grind: Do you get other stuff done while playing MMOs?

I listened to an audiobook while playing MMOs this weekend, and frankly I wish I'd thought of this before. Most of the MMOs I play...

One Shots: Aerodynamically impossible

Back in the late '70s, the first Superman flick had the tagline, "You will believe a man can fly." Well, I look at the...
You made it sing, all right.

The Daily Grind: What MMO systems do you consider necessary evils?

I'm disinclined to run pretty much any tabletop game that outright uses character levels as a form of progress, and fortunately for me I...
Back when everything was just a matter of shooting Hellbugs. What a time to be alive.

Defiance answers player questions about promotional weapons and future updates

You learn a lot when you work on a game for a while. Defiance has had some time to settle into its routine, and...
This was entirely unsafe even in the planning stages.

WRUP: Win a personal deathtrap edition

People who read this feature, we are happy to announce that you have a once-in-a-this-article opportunity to win your very own personal deathtrap! This...

The Daily Grind: Are you trying a different MMO this summer?

I find that summer is a great time of the year to let my gaming wanderlust run free, giving me permission to try new...

Leaderboard: How many MMOs have you played this week?

I guess my MMO habit is back in full swing, because after a few weeks of vacationing in the realm of single-player titles (and...
Well, the back is the easiest place to stab a dude.

The Elder Scrolls Online introduces players to the Drake of Blades

The Imperial City in The Elder Scrolls Online is on the dangerous side, and if you didn't already know that the introduction to the...

MMO Burnout: Why I want an Assassin’s Creed MMO

I play a fair amount of single-player stuff when I'm not playing MMOs, and at the risk of outing myself as one of those...
Exploding AoE mine-person.

Neverwinter is changing its vote-to-kick system

The upside of having a system to vote-kick players in Neverwinter is that abusive players can be identified and removed from a run before...
Let's war ov

Crowfall posts an art fly-through, discusses money and stretch goals

Crowfall has been sporting a pretty distinctive art style from the word go, which is to its credit. The past few big updates on...
This isn't a promo shot, it is literally this empty.

Skyforge producer says current server instability is ‘not acceptable’

If you were hoping that Skyforge had left its earlier server issues behind and a glorious new future awaited it free of queues, disconnections,...

Massively Overthinking: Dealing with toxicity in MMO communities

This week's Massively Overthinking comes to us from Kickstarter donor Dahui, who asks, "What do you think MMO developers can do to try to minimize...

MMO devs pay tribute to Smedley

Former Daybreak CEO John Smedley may have been a polarizing figure to MMO gamers, but several high profile devs have spoken up in the...
Ridin spinnas, ridin spinnas

Star Wars: The Old Republic developers want to know what you want to ride

There are always a lot of things you could potentially ride in video games. Star Wars: The Old Republic is no exception. There are...