
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

The Secret World begins #IAMTSW contest series

The Secret World's forum game is finally upon us, and as promised, it looks to be a doozy. Funcom will be running several weeks...
And Justin weeps, silently, in the corner. No one feels bad about it.

EverQuest Next opens up the Qeynos Foundation Museum contest

EverQuest Next is getting ready to lay the groundwork for the city of Qeynos, and the design team is turning to Landmark to make...
You may be my old favorite, but you don't get a free pass.

WoW Factor: The design slide from start to present

After more than a decade of operation, a curious thing has happened to World of Warcraft: It's circled back around on an awful lot...

Trion says it ‘missed the mark’ with ArcheAge promotion

Yesterday's revelation that Trion was handing out significant gifts to former ArcheAge players to entice them to return to the game -- gifts in...

ArcheAge patrons perturbed at Trion’s gift to former players

When's the last time we had a good ArcheAge controversy? Actually who cares, because Trion has stepped up to the plate with a new...
Let me try that thing on.

Final Fantasy XI halts updates this year with one last storyline

How long should a game last? Final Fantasy XI has had an impressive run, but its glory days are indisputably past. That's why Square-Enix...
Redguard girl

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite Elder Scrolls Online race?

I'm looking forward to some Elder Scrolls Online this month, but I may not use my max-level character. His guild is gone, and frankly...
Can't imagine why.

EVE Online adds buddy invites to trial accounts

EVE Online, like many MMOs, is best enjoyed with a friend, if for no other reason than to have at least one other person...
Fan Faire

Project Fan Faire needs your support

Remember that time when Daybreak bought out SOE, fired a bunch of people, and cancelled Fan Faire? Yeah that sucked, but a few fans...

Elite: Dangerous names space station after Terry Pratchett

Fantasy comedy writer Terry Pratchett, who passed away last week at the age of 66, will be honored with a place among the stars...

The Daily Grind: Were you playing MMOs 16 years ago?

This week, EverQuest is celebrating its 16th anniversary. That's right: It was all the way back on March 16th, 1999, that the seminal title...

WildStar tells the tale of the Ravaging of Arboria

Ever wonder why WildStar's floppy-eared Aurin are galaxy-hopping instead of staying at home and gnawing on carrots? It's because of an event called the...

Tamriel Infinium: Five reasons to return to Elder Scrolls Online

Gamers rarely give an MMO a second chance. Far too often, a game bears forever the impression it earned the first time we played it. When...

An Ingress convention could happen in 2015

Augmented reality MMO Ingress could be heading for its own official convention this year, thanks to the mobile game's popularity and growth. Google's Niantic Labs...

Sword and Bored: Health buff

Mo gets a bright idea when he realizes that MMORPG food inexplicably restores health -- and lots of it.
Ascent the Space Game

The Daily Grind: Which MMO was better than you expected?

I've been dabbling in Ascent: The Space Game here lately, even though I keep telling myself that I'm done with early access titles. It's...

One Shots: A clear commute

Sometimes simple can be beautiful. I don't know what it is, exactly, that attracts me to this week's title pic, but I think its...

The Daily Grind: What’s Funcom’s secret project?

When Funcom's Joel Bylos casually announced this week that he was moving on from his role as game director of The Secret World to...

The Game Archaeologist: Ten more facts of EverQuest life circa 1999

A couple of weeks ago I shared with you several stories from EverQuest veterans about what life in the game was like back then....

The Secret World begins its epic forum game with a plea for help

A new forum game is afoot over at The Secret World, as one of the in-game characters, the Stationmaster, posted a cry for help...