2024 eoty meta
Leaderboard: What’s the most vulnerable Daybreak MMO in 2025?
You know, you're not reading this piece until January, but I sat down to write it ahead of the turn of the year, when...
The Daily Grind: What was the most painful MMORPG sunset of 2024?
Man, this one is easy for me to answer, though I wish it weren't so: ArcheAge was the most brutal sunset of 2024, and...
Lawful Neutral: All the big MMO-related law stories from 2024, from Palworld to Blizzard
2024 was another quiet year on the gaming legal front. I think various AI dramas and associated legislative hand-wringing sucked all the air out...
Massively Overthinking: What will be your three most played MMOs in 2025?
So here we are at the top of another year, looking ahead at what we think we're going to play. Consider this week's Massively...
End-of-Year Eleven: The MMOs with the most uncertain futures in 2025
I am the sort of person who derives no small amount of ongoing satisfaction from the idea that I have had an influence upon...
MassivelyOP’s complete MMO 2024 awards recap and debrief
As we did in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, today we're going to recap our annual awards and other articles from...
The Daily Grind: What was the biggest MMO trainwreck nobody noticed last year?
Every year, we elevate certain stories with awards - we pluck out the biggest surprise, the most exciting story, the story we wish we...
Massively Overthinking: Hopes and fears for MMOs in 2025
For our next Massively Overthinking roundtable of the 2024/2025 transition era, we're looking ahead not with predictions but with something a whole lot more...
Leaderboard: What was the most overrated MMO of 2024?
It's pretty much a given that every year when we announce our MMO of the year, someone's going to hop into the comments and...
Working As Intended: The MMOs we lost in 2024
Welcome to the worst article I have to write every year. I mean, nobody is really making me do it. But I still feel...
Leaderboard: What was the (next) best *new* MMO or MMO-adjacent game of 2024?
Longtime readers of MOP will know that when we give out our MMO of the year award, we do not limit it to just...
End-of-Year Eleven: All the upcoming MMOs to watch in 2025 and beyond
As we turn the page on another fascinating year of MMORPG history, we cross into fresh territory. What lies ahead? Surprises, disappointments, and endless...
The Daily Grind: Did you get much MMO gaming time over the holidays?
As I write this, I'm on the final day of a sort-of-two-week vacation, after which I'll have to jump back into my regular routine...
Fight or Kite: The PvP MMOs we’re watching in 2025
Today we arrive at the first Fight or Kite column of the newest quarter of the century, and while I can’t speak for other...
The Daily Grind: What MMORPGs are you no longer anticipating in 2025?
I hate to say it, but the longer a game stays on my curiosity list, the more likely it is to fall off the...
The Daily Grind: Which game or studio made the biggest contribution to killing the MMORPG genre in 2024?
So here's another fun annual Daily Grind that always gets people good and angry. And believe it or not, I'm not going to nominate...
MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2024: The meatball MMO metaverse
Today we're closing out our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year, that year being 2024!
Coming in at #1 on our...
The best MassivelyOP MMO live streams of 2024
Thanks to the efforts of MOP's MJ and MOP's Chris - sometimes MOP's Larry too! - the MassivelyOP stream Team puts out around 500...
MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2024: The baby bump curse of vengeance
Today we're continuing our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year, that year being 2024!
Coming in at #2 on our list...
MassivelyOP’s 2024 MMO Lifetime Achievement Award
Welcome back to Massively Overpowered's formal end-of-the-year awards for one more special award. Readers will remember that a few years ago, we decided to institute...