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Vague Patch Notes: The specter of MMO burnout and what it means

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about burnout. This is due in no small part to the fact that I am majorly burnt out...
I'm the villain, too?

The Daily Grind: Do you get impatient with new MMO content?

The advantage to having a job that takes place at home and centers around video games is the fact that it's pretty easy to...
That'll cost you money.

The Soapbox: Reconsidering social media as an MMORPG

At GDC 2011, Raph Koster gave a talk in which he said, "Games are fundamentally social media and always have been." You can watch...
It burns, burns, burns.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s last stretch of Bozja is pretty good, but a little annoying

For various reasons, it doesn't seen as if it's been only a week since the last Final Fantasy XIV patch. (All right, it's technically...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s June events bring slowpoke days and poison pvp buffs

Ah yes, summer. Relaxing on beaches, letting shellfish pokemon bite your tail or head to cause evolution, maybe move to an England-inspired territory and...
Oh, right, I hate this.

The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs you’re bitter over?

Hello, my name is Eliot, and I'm still bitter over Star Wars: The Old Republic. This is a game I played and enjoyed at launch,...
bad bad bad

Betawatch: Dreamworld’s alpha is a trip and a half

So, remember Dreamworld, or as it's known around these parts, "that game that never sounded remotely plausible"? Well, the good news (for a very, very...
Get back.

WoW Factor: What does the lack of BlizzCon mean for World of Warcraft?

So we're not having a BlizzCon this year again. Not that one wasn't originally planned or at least in the early stages of planning,...
It costs.

Vague Patch Notes: Money makes the MMO world go round

I had some thoughts after the most recent bit of news we got from Star Trek Online about how, you know... the game costs...

The Daily Grind: Do you miss having boxed MMO purchases?

Buried amidst all of the other information in the most recent Final Fantasy XIV fan festival was the way that its boxed expansion releases were...

Wisdom of Nym: Almost losing Soken changed how we’ll see Final Fantasy XIV forever

I'm not over this. I don't know how to be over this. Masayoshi Soken is one of the most talented composers working in this industry....
Tanks for the memories

The Daily Grind: What’s the earliest test phase you’ve ever played for an MMO?

An early test phase for any MMO has one major drawback, and that's the simple fact that it's not anywhere close to being ready...
Ta bay

Betawatch: Swords of Legend Online kicks off its western beta

As it was foretold with the pre-loading, so it has come to pass! Swords of Legend Online has opened up its beta testing, and that's...

WoW Factor: Are Heroic dungeons the original sin of World of Warcraft’s current issues?

The launch of The Burning Crusade's pre-patch in WoW Classic has me thinking about the features that expansion brought to World of Warcraft. I know, really it...
Carry that water.

Vague Patch Notes: The self-made shadowboxing of MMO feuds

There's no actual feud between the development teams behind World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV. The two teams have congratulated one another on successful expansion...
Faces and offs.

The Daily Grind: Are you enjoying the pre-patch for The Burning Crusade Classic?

So that pre-patch for WoW Classic was kind of a mess, huh? Players wound up waiting for hours for the maintenance that was supposed to...
Pay to lose.

Perfect Ten: Everything in MMOs that is pay-to-win

I have stated before that I have a complex relationship with the term "pay-to-win." On the one hand, it tends to refer to something...

Wisdom of Nym: Recapping the Endwalker reveals from Final Fantasy XIV’s Fan Festival

I ended the first night watching the Fan Festival a bit sad about how long it would be before Final Fantasy XIV's next expansion....
Someone will get that reference.

The Daily Grind: Would you rather be in a guild of strangers or alone in an MMO?

Back in my day when I started playing MMOs, I took it as pretty well understood that you were going to want to join...

Betawatch: New World plans tests, previews dungeons, and assuages cash shop fears

It's been a busy week for New World, so much so that it could probably get bullet points of its very own along the way....