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The stuff that you have, does someone have a claim on it?

The Daily Grind: What’s the oldest MMO change or update you’re still a little angry about?

I still find Final Fantasy XI's old vague patch notes so annoying ("The potency of certain actions has been adjusted") that I named an entire...
Guess who's back. Back again.

Perfect Ten: Ten things that killed me in Final Fantasy XI

In many ways, Final Fantasy XI was a designed copy of EverQuest. It did, however, remove a lot of the elements of that game in particular....

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s forced grouping serves an important purpose

It's not exactly a secret, but just in case you didn't know this, Final Fantasy XIV has dungeons that are absolutely necessary to progress...
Stay specced.

The Daily Grind: Would you play an MMO on console with crossplay?

I like Star Trek Online. It'd probably be a pretty fun game to play on consoles during idle downtime, but there's a problem with that:...
Sure, great, grand.

Betawatch: Zenith plans its alpha for April 16

Playing a game on a VR headset already feels kind of futuristic, but the upcoming Zenith is a bit more futuristic than even that. And...
These references, however, remain.

WoW Factor: Will most WoW Classic players genuinely move on to The Burning Crusade?

So as much praise as I had for the WoW Classic side of the World of Warcraft equation last week, there's something that was interesting as...

Vague Patch Notes: MMO sunsets and the myth of meritocracy

A few weeks back, I talked about why a given MMO might have failed even when it possessed good qualities. It was a response...
So close, and yet...

The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs you love to look at but hate to play?

For those of you who have forgotten my experiences with DC Universe Online, I found it one of the most obnoxious and unpleasant games to...

Pokemon Go players are bummed about the lackluster Kanto Tour ‘bonus event’

We mentioned in our Pokemon Go Kanto Tour post-event wrap-up that there were some bugs, glitches, people who got the event without paying, and a...
Bring the light

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Island Sanctuary and the descent of peace

If you look at it from an obvious thematic standpoint, the whole Island Sanctuary idea makes no sense for this particular expansion for Final...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite weird cross-promotion with an MMO?

So the Genshin Impact thing with KFC is weird, but let's be real, it's not even the first online game to have some tie-in...

Massively on the Go: Everything notable – and potentially multiplayer – from Pokemon Presents

Well Pokemon fans, I'm sure a few of you saw yesterday's Pokemon Presents presentation. While I don't think many people were surprised that a long-rumored remake...
I demand to pay more for this.

Betawatch: Dual Universe opens a test server

A test server! A server wherein one may test! Such a thing has been built for Dual Universe! Albeit not using the in-game building tools, but...
Herp to the derp.

WoW Factor: WoW Classic is doing everything right in the wake of BlizzCon

In the wake of BlizzConline 2021, I have some criticisms about the WoW Classic presentation. Specifically, the first part of the panel about The Burning Crusade...
In a world of human wreckage

Vague Patch Notes: Considering the soloer’s experience in MMOs

I sized him up from where he sat across from me. He was intelligent, that much I could tell just at a glance -...
It's the same basic bench.

The Daily Grind: How long are you willing to wait in an MMO?

Tom Petty said it best in song format: "The waiting is the hardest part." And let's be clear about something, this question is not...
A journey into complexity.

Perfect Ten: MMOs of the ‘internet spaceships’ genre

It's at once the most important and most underserved genre in MMOs, aside from gigantic robots - it's the valuable genre of internet spaceships. They're...

Massively On The Go: Pokemon Go’s Kanto Tour failed to Meet Go Fest 2020’s high standards

So Pokemon Go Kanto Tour has passed, and we're currently in the middle of the "week-long wrap-up event." I'm using quotes because, frankly, the Kanto...
Never seen a bluer sky.

Wisdom of Nym: The shirt-based speculation around Final Fantasy XIV’s next melee job

Bad news, folks: We're going to be waiting a while longer to find out the new melee job for Final Fantasy XIV, and waiting...
Kind to rewind.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite story of anonymous kindness from an MMO?

One of the best parts about MMOs is that they give players a chance to be kind in countless little ways. Maybe not always...