
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

It's a real laugh.

Betawatch: Chronicles of Elyria hit with sizable layoffs (January 19, 2018)

So it looks like things are not all roses and light behind the scenes for Chronicles of Elyria, as the studio has apparently let...

Meet survival sandbox Miscreated and its 2018 plans

Have you heard of Miscreated? If not and you are a fan of the survival genre, you might want to add it to your...

The Stream Team: Happy birthday, Blade & Soul!

Another year, another birthday! Crazy how that happens, right? Massively OP's MJ is all set to re-immerse herself in the world of Blade &...

Hell freezes over: Devilian to sunset in March

Two-year-old Devilian will not make it to its third birthday, we are sorry to report. Trion Worlds announced on Friday that it will be...

Otherland overhauls the Lambda Mall and more

One of Otherland's most iconic locations just got a massive overhaul in this week's Patch 5.6.63, kicking off the first update for the game...

Grab a Hyper Universe ‘MVP Starter Pack’ from Nexon and MOP!

In celebration of the launch of Hyper Universe Online earlier this week, Nexon has granted Massively OP keys for the Hyper All Stars Starter Pack MVP...
gotta go to space

Star Trek Online hands out free ships today, but you’ll have to pay for a chance of one from Discovery

Happy Free Ship Day! This isn't us being cute; it's an actual holiday promoted by Star Trek Online every year on its anniversary. Just...
Sort of like jingles.

Fan creates a Final Fantasy XIV UI in Final Fantasy XI

For those of you who were wondering when Final Fantasy XI started supporting add-ons... it didn't. The game has never supported add-ons, and using...

PSA: Darkfall New Dawn is free-to-play right now ahead of next week’s launch

If you've been curious about the indie spinoff Darkfall: New Dawn but aren't sure yet about plunking down pre-order cash, then you'll be interested...

Crowfall shows off the Assassin’s toxic skills

Nasty toxins, sneaky attacks, and underhanded tactics: If these things appeal to your style of play, then you're definitely going to want to check...

DCUO gives players another artifact slot

Sometimes a small, singular change can make all of the difference in your MMO. Yesterday's update in DC Universe Online expanded players' abilities to include...
Something something rightfully forgotten film revival, etc.

Town State Leisure: Camelot Unchained responds to absurd scraper article as only CSE can

If by chance you've ever run a blog about literally anything, you surely know about scrapers - those jerks who use scripts to steal...

Star Citizen explains where baby ships come from

Star Citizen just wouldn't be Star Citizen without its obsession with meticulously crafted starships, and they're exactly the focus of the Ship Shape segment...
Try it out.

Destiny 2 admits poor communication on weapons and the latest faction rally

The first time Destiny 2 ran a faction rally, its mechanics had a problem where players could basically just earn tons of tokens without...

The Division stocks up on gas masks for next week’s event

Need a stylish gas mask to cover that thing on your neck that could be charitably called a mug? Jump in to The Division...

Ashes of Creation team answers tons of fan questions, gives a preview of the Underrealm

Have a burning curiosity about pixies, testing, and soundtracks? They might have been answered yesterday. In the span of an hour, the Ashes of...
As intended.

World of Warcraft will be down most of today fixing patch 7.3.5’s bugs (Aaaaaand it’s back)

So, has World of Warcraft seemed a bit more... buggy to you lately? Because there have been some notable bugs since the whole worldwide...

The Stream Team: Back to the Egyptian sandbox in Secret World Legends

Even though Massively OP's MJ rushed ahead through Secret World Legends' main story so she wouldn't miss out on Krampusnacht lore, there's still much...

EVE Online’s upwell structures get a wellness upgrade

Some of EVE Online's player-built space platforms -- known as upwell structures -- are getting a massive upgrade in the game's upcoming February update....

Dauntless maps out its feedback-inspired plans for early 2018

Dauntless is doubtless eyeing Monster Hunter World's launch at the end of the month with trepidation, but the plucky indie dev team is forging...