
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Guild Chat: Dealing with anxiety and the pressures of MMORPG guilds

Welcome along to another issue of Guild Chat, the column through which the Massively Overpowered community can come together to help readers in need...

The Game Archaeologist: Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds

I confess that I have a particular fascination for MMOs that came into existence in the 1990s. It's not only the fact that I...
Enjoy the joy of the CARGO HOLD expansion

The Daily Grind: Which MMO expansion has the blandest setting?

Expansions are not all created equally. World of Warcraft went from the surreal alien landscapes of Outland and the frozen tundra of Northrend to......

The Daily Grind: Have you ever used MMOs to live out fantasies from other IPs?

One of my absolute favorite parts of City of Heroes was seeing the crazy mish-mash of intellectual properties that players brought to the game....
doot doot doot, this game's title

Betawatch: A city of City of Heroes successors (January 27, 2017)

The loss of City of Heroes brought motivated fans together to rebuild it, or at least to create a spiritual successor to the game....

In appreciation for post-apoc Dereth: The life and times of Asheron’s Call 2

On the left in the screenshot above is a windmill in the town of Cragstone in Asheron's Call. On the right is, well, the...
Local Panda Recalls When She Was Special.

WoW Factor: The state of professions in Legion

The state of World of Warcraft's professions in Legion is a weird one because it's obvious how much work has gone into crafting for...

The Daily Grind: Will Turbine announce something big for Asheron’s Call next week?

Asheron's Call is sunsetting next week -- that much we know. But beyond that, we don't know a whole lot about the rushed circumstances...

Massively Overthinking: Death and dying in MMORPGs

In March of last year, MOP's Justin wrote a detailed guide to the most common death penalties in MMORPGs. Last September, Gamasutra pulled seven...

EverQuesting: Scoring our EverQuest franchise 2016 predictions

January 14th, 2016. On that date, I said we'd get to look back in a year and see just how many of my EverQuesting...

Choose My Adventure: Nice things about Lord of the Rings Online

The thing about the level of Lord of the Rings Online that I'm playing at is that they are not exactly replete with choices....
Item by item.

The Daily Grind: Do you read MMO patch notes?

I read the patch notes. I've always read the patch notes. When I was first playing Final Fantasy XI and you had to deal...

Jukebox Heroes: Live performances of MMO scores

I am of the opinion that there is something special and magical about getting to experience music in person, especially so when it is...

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs that walk on the weird side

In third grade, my teacher sent home a report card with the note that "Justin is wonderfully strange." Ever since then, I never found the...

The Daily Grind: Is there MMO content you dread repeating on alts?

As a habitual and lifelong altoholic, I am quite used to walking a new generation of characters in the footsteps of their forefathers and foremothers....

Massively OP Podcast Episode 101: Marvelous heroes

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, Marvel Heroes, Trove, Elder Scrolls Online, WoW, Wizards of the Coast, and Path of Exile, with mailbag questions on Standing Stone/Daybreak and MOP's allies.

In appreciation for Dereth: The life and times of Asheron’s Call

Imagine a game where magic was actually rare, complicated, and often underwhelming in terms of time vs. efficiency -- a game where players actually...

Flameseeker Chronicles: A guide to Forsaken Thicket, Guild Wars 2’s first raid

I have to apologise to raiders for not finishing my boss guides I began back in 2015: This is one of those articles that...
Throw wide the gates to let us pass once more.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever participated in a protest in an MMORPG?

Protests in the real world dominated this past weekend's news, and while I surfed around for an in-game equivalent to cover, I couldn't find...
And if you don't love me now, you will never love me again.

Wisdom of Nym: First impressions of Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 3.5, part one

I can't think of the last time I've played through a patch of Final Fantasy XIV as quickly as I played through patch 3.5....