
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Lost Continent: ArcheAge Revelation’s fresh start servers aren’t doing newbies any favors

It’s been over a month now since ArcheAge’s massive update 3.0 went live, adding oodles of new content to Trion’s expansive fantasy sandbox. The...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever boycotted an MMORPG?

Blizzard Watch ran an editorial yesterday quoting former marine biologist and World of Warcraft Lead Systems Designer Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street on the subject of...

Massively Overthinking: Are MMOs designed for ‘low-skill gamers’?

Ages ago on the MMORPG subreddit, a player made a bold statement: MMORPGs are designed for low-skill gamers. "I remember being dazzled by EverQuest and...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World predictions 2016 vs 2017

It's no secret that The Secret World had a rough year in 2016. I just really wish I could say differently. And it's especially...

Perfect Ten: Terminology the MMORPG genre needs

MMOs, like any other hobby, have their own terminology. We have the term "newb" for new players, "noob" for players who aren't actually new...
You can go level alts, if you're a fool and have alts.

The Daily Grind: Which games will be the big winners (and losers) from more MMOs on consoles?

I don't think that being one of the only fully featured MMOs on a console is what has made Final Fantasy XIV successful. I...

Guild Chat: Pro tips for incentivising active MMO guild membership

Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, the column through which Massively Overpowered readers can have their guild-related questions or concerns addressed through...
Starting off on the autocratic foot.

Choose My Adventure: Reconsidering WildStar, from pre-launch to now

In order to talk about WildStar, we kind of have to talk about Firefly. And no, not in the obvious way where we talk...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s latest raid might be a too little too late

When Star Wars: The Old Republic launched, I was champing at the bit for raids. Then when I heard about the launch bugs from...

The Daily Grind: Which substitutes would you recommend for dead MMOs?

One interesting trend that I've noticed is whenever an MMO shuts down or is about to close up shop, there are usually discussions popping...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 104: WoW Token resistance

Justin and Bree discuss Elder Scrolls Online, LOTRO, WoW tokens, Ashes of Creation, Guild Wars 2, and Revelation Online, plus financials on Blizzard, NCsoft, Nexon, Square, and Funcom, with a mailbag question on playing what you love vs. going with the crowd.

Jukebox Heroes: Vote for your favorite MMORPG theme songs of all time!

On a couple of past occasions, I've amused myself by posting countdown lists of my favorite MMORPG theme songs in this column. I was...

The Daily Grind: Do you ever play MMORPGs against ‘type’?

Perhaps owing at least in part to the charisma of its chief executive, Camelot Unchained is one of those rare in-production MMORPGs that seems...
Thinking over.

Wisdom of Nym: Predictions for Final Fantasy XIV’s final fan festival

Boy, the wait for this one has felt long. It hasn't been any longer, and it's not as if we haven't had plenty to...

Five reasons behind the failure of Hero’s Song

In July of 2015, MMORPG fans were stunned to hear that John Smedley was stepping down from his post as president of Daybreak. After...

The Daily Grind: Where are all the sports-themed MMORPGs?

On those rare occasions when we mention EA's FIFA series, usually relating to court cases over online gambling, I'm always struck again by how...

Global Chat: Get over the lockbox debate already

One of the largest and most enduring arguments of the MMO genre is the purpose, legality, and profitability of so-called lockboxes in games. We've...

The Daily Grind: How young were you when you played your first MMO?

We were remarking in the Massively OP office the other day how weird it was that Club Penguin's shutdown was getting mainstream news attention...
And this time, we mean it.

Betawatch: Albion Online prepares for Sir Galahad the Patchly (February 10, 2017)

The extended beta for Albion Online gives the developers time to add more to the game. For example, when the Galahad patch goes live,...
Herp to the derp.

WoW Factor: Examining World of Warcraft’s 7.2 update

Patch 7.2 is the first real content patch that we've gotten for World of Warcraft post-Legion. Obviously, 7.1 wasn't devoid of content, but it...